Adaptation Planning Resources

State of California Resources

    Cal-Adapt is an online resource for viewing and downloading data about projected changes in climate conditions and associated natural hazards. It has several tools that allow users to view customized maps and charts showing changes over time. Adaptation planners can easily look at future conditions in their communities and how severe the impacts of climate change may be. Users can also download the datasets behind these maps and charts, allowing them to prepare their own graphics and conduct their own analyses. UC Berkeley’s Geospatial Innovation Facility, developed Cal-Adapt, with support from the California Energy Commission.


Federal Resources

    FEMA’s Local Mitigation Planning Handbook is a guidance document to help communities across the country develop hazard mitigation plans. Although hazard mitigation plans are not necessarily identical to adaptation planning efforts, there is significant overlap between the two. The guidance and resources in this handbook can also be used for adaptation planning. The handbook includes information about assembling stakeholders and conducting outreach, determining community capabilities, assessing the potential for harm, and developing hazard mitigation strategies. It also contains checklists and worksheets for use throughout the hazard mitigation process. The was last updated in 2013.

    Visit Hazard Mitigation Planning

Nongovernmental Resources

    The Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) was launched in 2010 as a shared knowledge base for managing the natural and built systems in the face of climate change. CAKE includes case studies and documents from across the world. This resource also includes several tribal nation examples in the United States.
