Climate Heritage Network 2022-24 Action Plan



Climate Heritage Network




The Climate Heritage Network Action Plan is based on a theory of change that culture enables transformative climate action by empowering people to imagine and realise low-carbon, just, climate resilient futures and adapt to the impacts of our changing climate. The plan is designed to shape change by building partnerships across sectors that re-orient climate policy, planning, and action at all levels to better take account of these cultural dimensions. The plan prioritises support for rights-based, place-based, demand-side, and people-centred strategies for safeguarding and championing those elements of art, culture and heritage that point the way to circular, regenerative ways of living not dependent on exploiting people and nature, and for challenging and interpreting those elements that have helped cause the climate emergency. It seeks to strengthen frameworks in which cultural actors and operators work as accomplices with Indigenous Peoples and local communities and build common cause with intersectional interests such as racial and gender equality, linking culture to climate justice in ways that bolster climate action and climate resilient sustainable development.

Climate Impact Tags

Drought Extreme heat Extreme storms Flooding Ocean acidification Sea level rise Snowpack Temperature Wildfire

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 3: Define Adaptation Framework and Strategies

Resource Type Tags

Plan or strategy Planning and policy guidance


Extent: California


Last updated: June 9, 2024