Bridging the Adaptation Gap: Approaches to Measurement of Physical Climate Risk and Examples of Investment in Climate Adaptation



Global Adaptation and Resilience Investment Working Group




This paper outlines the discussions of the Global Adaptation and Resilience (GARI) working group, which was designed to bring together private investors and a range of other stakeholder groups to focus on investment and climate and adaptation and resilience. The report offers materials and research provided by GARI participants, and delineates the results of the 2016 GARI follow-up survey analysis of GARI participants. In the report, GARI identifies two elements integral to addressing the physical risk of climate change: (1) Approaches to Measurement of Physical Climate Risk and (2) Examples of Investment in Climate Adaptation and Resilience. This paper will help planners and investors frame broader discussions about metrics and methodologies for identifying and assessing climate change risk at the asset level and about examples of investment in adaptation and resilience.

Climate Impact Tags

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 2: Assess Vulnerability Phase 4: Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust

Resource Type Tags

Assessment Project or example


Extent: California


Last updated: June 9, 2024