City of Foster City - Levee Protection Planning and Improvements Project - Basis of Design Overview



City of Foster City




This report provides a general overview of design considerations for Foster City’s eight-mile levee system. In 2014 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) completed the Central and South San Francisco Bay Coastal Flood Hazard Studies associated with the California Coastal Analysis and Mapping Project (CCAMP) and determined that Foster City’s levees do not meet the required freeboard elevation for accreditation per Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 65.10 (44 CFR 65.10). Since Foster City’s levees must be improved to meet FEMA requirements the city is working to include future sea level rise into its new levee design. This report builds on the analysis of the levee improvement alternatives in the 2015 Foster City Levee Protection Planning Study and provides preliminary design for improvements based on additional field reconnaissance, detailed wave run-up calculations, and preliminary geotechnical investigations undertaken since October 2015. The report concludes with a gross affordability assessment and narrows the list of possible levee designs to three main options all based on a hybrid construction approach with different design heights.

Climate Impact Tags

Flooding Sea level rise

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Phase 4: Implement, Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust

Resource Type Tags



Extent: Foster City


Last updated: June 8, 2024