Summary Report from Tribal and Indigenous Communities within California: California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment



Tribal and Indigenous Communities




The inaugural Tribal and Indigenous Communities Report showcases tribes’ innovative strategies and actions to address climate change. The report defines key climate impacts at the nexus of tribal lands, histories, and current conditions, describes stressors that amplify climate impacts within tribal communities, and proposes overall recommendations for future Assessment(s). The Summary Report from Tribal and Indigenous Communities within California is part of a series of 12 assessments to support climate action by providing an overview of climate-related risks and adaptation strategies tailored to specifc regions and themes. Produced as part of California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment as part of a pro bono initiative by leading climate experts, these summary reports translate the state of climate science into useful information for decision-makers and practitioners to catalyze action that will beneft regions, the ocean and coast, frontline communities, and tribal and indigenous communities.

Climate Impact Tags

Adaptation Planning Guide Phases

Resource Type Tags

Assessment Scientific study




Last updated: June 9, 2024